C.F.J. Factory (Boys,Youths,& Men's McKay Operations) adjacent
to Lester Avenue,J.C., NY built in 1913, named for C.Fred Johnson,
brother of George F.Johnson producing up to 24,000 pairs of shoes
daily. Cafeteria with porch serving up 2,000 meals intially at
15¢ each, 35¢ in 1951. Victory Factory on left.

EJ factory complex in Endicott,NY

EJ Workers Public Market, adjacent to C.F.J. Park, Johnson City,
NY, built in 1934 for $120,000 with 40,000 square feet, 200 vendor
stalls, and air conditioning replacing the original market, open
to everyone 3 days a week. The official name was "John S.
Patterson Market", named for the private caterer George F.
Johnson paid to start the original market in 1917. The market
closed sometime in the mid-50's and was converted to the Zing
Factory for manufacturing.

Ranger/Paracord Factory adjacent to C.F.J. Park in Johnson City
built in 1944 to produce footwear for the military. Locals referred
to the new (and old) Paracord plant as the "rubber mill."
C.F.J. Park swimming pool at left of picture. The Pagoda Pump-house
can be seen at the left of the photo is the only preserved structure
from this entire factory complex which covered about 30 acres.
The Gannett printing facility now occupies this site.

Looking West along Lackawanna tracks at Willow Street,Johnson
City.Sunrise Factory in center completed in 1929 named to suggest
a new day coming in the nation. Sunrise produced the all-rubber
boots and overshoes for EJ with a walkway across the tracks to
the Jigger Factory at right built in 1926, taking its name from
the rubber-soled canvas-topped footwear called "Jiggers.
Both factories initially used a common labor force of some 400
employees. In the summer,Sunrise workers produced foot-wear for
winter use; in the winter, the same workers moved to the Jigger
factory and produced footwear for summer use. Jigger was demolished
in February 2012. Light factory at the left was the Fair Play
Caramel Company.

Sunrise Factory looking west. All Sports Factory on left partially
obscured by smoke from train engine.
